Thursday 16 May 2019

Reading Greek/Turkish Coffee Cups

Have you ever drank Greek/Turkish coffee? Did you know that the cup can be read giving a psychic reading of your past, present and future? The most popular type of psychic readings today is Greek/Turkish coffee cup readings. 

If you are an avid Greek/Turkish coffee drinker, then you may know that readings can be given by looking into your cup after it has been drunk. It's easy to learn and do it yourself. All you have to do is take up meditation and drink more herbal tea every day to teach your mind to listen to your intuition. I drink Chamomile and Green tea for this reason.

Learn How to Give Psychic Readings

Would you like to learn how to read Greek/Turkish coffee cups after they have been drunk out of? If you do then here is a way it can be done. All you have to do is meditate and this will help you to concentrate when it is time to give a reading. Meditate for five minutes per day at first and then increase it gradually after two weeks to ten minutes per day. Meditating is easy. All you have to do is close your eyes for five minutes at first and think of nothing. If thoughts come to your mind... let them. Just let your mind wander.

If you want to get into reading coffee cups, then there are plenty of Youtube videos that can teach you, but most of all it is most important to train your intuition and mind to listen to your own thoughts when you are reading the cups. Sitting quietly every day, such as meditating can train your mind in this way. It will help you to be more in tune with your thoughts when you do go to look into someone's cup.

Check out some videos below on how to learn to read coffee cups.

Good luck.

Copyright 2014 Denise Larkin.  All Rights Reserved.


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